Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Adobe Did It Right!

Flash Dance
Finally! Adobe has done what Macromedia never would have dreamed of!!
The newest version of Flash (Flash 8) has some of the best new features I never would have thought of adding AND (very important) the greatest features that were left behind in previous builds (famed v.5)!

Vector to Object
Why did Macromedia never think of this? For those of you who programmed in flash back in version MX and previous, you know what a pain it has always been to take an object and turn it back into a vector. For those who have no clue what I'm taking about, let me give you a quick idea.
Adobe Flash (once Macromedia Flash) is world renowned for being the most powerful web-vector-motion software available.

What is vector-motion?

You may ask... well, in the world of computing, there are really two types of video. Prerendered and Realtime. Prerendered video has been around for a long time, in fact, it could easily be equated to your TV. Someone far away makes a great show for you to watch and transmits that show to your Television.
Nice, huh?
So what's bad with that? Nothing. In fact, it's great; if not the best!
The problem arises when you can't send a video to someone for some reason (say, bandwidth limitations).
There are a number of solutions, Flash just happens to be one of those solutions. Flash allows you to send a video and have the computer create it using the flash player (very similar to the java runtime environment (jre) for java apps). You (basically) send the player compiled code (swf file) and it turns it into bouncing balls and flying text.
These vector graphics (another option is to compress your video, which is like a hybrid where your computer recodes the partially decomposed file (hopefully much smaller into its original state in realtime)) are just mathematical equations that form whatever shape you plan to make. If you know anything about computer images, you know the difference between a JPEG and Clipart. Clipart is generally made from vector graphics. Because Vectors are logical equations, you can resize them without distortion (Unlike a JPEG). Sadly, unlike a JPEG, a lot of detail is often left out for simplicity or filesize.
In flash, you can have both (which is good!). But for adding actions, you have to have objects (since vectors only hold shape, color and size).
Fine, so add actions to objects that are larger, use vectors for everything else. Well, with the new version of flash, you can "test" a vector as an object (all that text, just to say, "Yay!")

Script Assist

Finally back in flash is the wonderful "script assist". This is similar to the "simple mode" known in Flash v.3-5. For many people, this is the best way to program. With a language like actionScript, it's nice to know all the keywords and what types they take. Since Flash has to double as a design environment and IDE, it's best if the IDE is good (and now, it is!). I kept using Flash 5 when 6 came out simply because I hated the new actionScript editor. I could crank out code 10x faster with the older version, and there weren't many new commands. Macromedia really botched it up with Flash 6 and MX. I was pretty scared about Adobe buying out Macromedia, but now I know that they have the good hands (and deep pockets) that will take care of the developers.

Adobe Photoshop Now
Yes, We all love Photoshop. We love the toolbars, the blend modes... everything except for the price tag! Now Flash can do blend modes like photoshop. REALTIME!
Woohoo! Everybody do the bender!
This is a feature that is going to really start showing up fast (like, on my next project). Before, flash developers (like myself) had to load up photoshop, create the images, export them, import them and then work with the stale stagnant images in flash. But now, we can do a lot more than size and alpha transparency! This is a beautiful idea that only Adobe could bring to the table (since they own the patents on the photoshop blending modes).

Adobe Premiere Now
Heh, You know that Adobe had to spruce up the Flash video import features.
On2 VP6 is the codec of choice with the new player, and I have to say... the samples really show off what it can do (Check out the split-screen version at the bottom)!!
Also, you can apply alpha-transparencies to the video feeds realtime. :-D
Oh man, I know one little programmer who is going to be having a lot of fun soon!
Ah, yes. And this link is... Wow. If I were Apple Quicktime, I would start paying attention to Adobe and On2 VP6! I can see this being very easy to use on trailer websites... and since Flash is a web application with no real personal media player, it's nearly impossible to rip or distribute.

On2 VP6 can even stream full screen movies to you REALTIME.

In case you were wondering, "Realtime" is the "word of the day"


Monday, December 19, 2005

My new Website Idea

It's really a funny word, huh? Copyright...
Hmmmmm... :-)
So... how far can you push an "idea" before it becomes a copyright infringement?
Here is a sample of my next website I'm planning on making.

"Do you like my Idea?"
"Of course," Microsoft says, "We thought of it first!"
It is kinda duplicating the "idea" from the next windows vista. I really love where Microsoft has taken this next build of windows. I keep meaning to upload images of it, but I left my HD with vista on it back in my dorm over the break. :-

Subtly is the key in current website design
As I was looking for ideas, I came across some strange things. It seems that web development trends are fading away from the "FLASH IN YOUR FACE" strategy, and pushing more towards the "Less is more" strategy.
I think the average web-user is sick of "hamster dance" websites and has begun to cry, "Where is the content?!?"
"Stop showing us what you can do, and start showing us what we WANT!"
I'm not sure if that's where the web truly is going, but designers are pushing it there. I believe that the paper-tiger (or in this case, the electronic-tiger) has morphed.
Companies who want to look like the pros are going to have to face the designer's nightmare... Beautiful Usefulness.

The List
Don't show all the 3D junk if it has no point.
Don't add a postcounter, no one cares.
Don't make a flash intro... people hate waiting.
Why use video, when flash will do?
Why use flash, when images will do?
Why use images, when clever CSS scripting will do?
Why use either if you can just use text?!?

The web has been transforming
and I am beginning to realize that I have a lot to learn! LOL
A good example is Google Ads. On my blog, I added the Google "adSense" on the right.
Is it a motioned flashy video/sound extravaganza?
It's text, but it's useful content that is related to what I type.

The web is changing into a very interesting place to work

It seems that the programmer will soon (if not already) need to learn a little about art... or the artists are going to have to start justifying themselves to their viewers.

Eh, I was never a fan of the useless, anyway.

Yay for New Posts!

Can it be? Is it true?!? Yes! A new post!
(and a bunch of goodies, too!)

First, things first,
I am sorry for taking so long to post. I was bogged down with school work/finals. I had five finals (One I didn't know I had until three hours before!) and an OS project due on finals week!

Now to open the box...
Pandora's Box, that is...
Pandora is a website that is dedicated to delivering music tailored to you! And it's written in Flash (woohoo!!). This means you get all the beautiful and crazy vector transitions you should expect from a professional graphic software/actionScripting language (I spent about 20minutes just pressing TAB on the login form).
How does it work?
Well, you sign up (free, unless you want the non-ad version) and start by telling it what you like to listen to. Pandora then creates a custom playlist. You keep listening, checking what you like and don't like until Pandora knows what kinda of music you like. It's very similar to mercora (for those of you who remember it before it sold out). Mercora had a great little program that you installed on your system and could broadcast your music anywhere! then they started charging their customers to listen (Oddly, I only used it to listen to my own music).
So why is it better?
Well, the best thing about Pandora is that you don't have to install jack! Nada!
Just go to the website, login, and listen! Also, once you get a great playlist made,
you can share it!
And your friends don't have to login to listen (wonderful idea!!). Also, you can "minimize" (I consider that confusing) the player to detach it from the current browser window and place it in a custom smaller window (and it does it all without skipping a beat in the music!).
A++ Software!

UNIX to Come
My next post will hopefully be on Pipes, Shared Memory, and Fork()ing in UNIX (yuck).

Monday, November 07, 2005

Mountain Dew MDX

Energy Drinks Are Back!
With the new Mountain Dew MDX!

Of all the craziness, they have come out with an energy drink from the people who started this caffeine craze!
Mountain Dew has the "MDX"
Their new slogan is, "Be Nocturnal"

You can log onto their website and play the flash games, or watch the video ads
(I know my sister will love the second one)

Honestly, after trying it,
I can't taste a huge difference between it and mountain dew. Most energy drinks are really carbonated, but this tasted just like normal dew.
But, at $1.72, it's a really good deal (where most drinks are $2.09 after tax).

If it came down to it, though, I'd just grab an Amp.
(Speaking of which, is "Amp" a competitor of MDX? Very odd, since they are from the same company... I wonder how the target audiences differ)
But the little bottle is nice, since you can take it into computer labs (they require that your drinks have a cap before you sit in front of the computer).
Weighing in at 14oz, it's a cross between the huge energy drinks and the micro-cans.

I was talking to another computer science major
(Luke, from the TAGD team). He was telling me that the way you can spot a good energy drink is if it tastes like Science. I don't really know what he meant since, when I think of science, I think of beakers full of formaldehyde with frogs and pig livers... But if tasting "science-y" is the scale for good energy drinks, MDX fails. It doesn't even seem to wake me up more than mountain dew.

Sad day.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Howdy All!
Well, my current job with the university is going well. I get to meet a lot of professors and researchers. It's pretty cool. The other day I saw a guy sitting outside my office. He was working on his laptop. Now, I really like looking at other compsci major's computer setups. It says a lot about the nerd. This guy was using litestep instead of explorer.

I was shocked!
The last time I used litestep was back in the 98/ME days (one of the few things that would make windows ME stable; lol). It was nice to see that it had come a long way since then!
I, of course, immediately went home and downloaded it. :-)

Wow, has it changed a lot since I last played with it. It now has a special theme package that automatically checks and downloads required modules with the theme you want to use. It's really awesome!

Maybe it's because I've been playing with DSL
and other liveLinux distros, but it seemed a lot more intuitive this time around. Each theme totally changes your litestep experience.

For those who are unfamiliar with litestep
Litestep is an explorer replacement. It used to be a shell replacement, back when explorer was the windows shell. Now explorer operates as a file manager and... explorer (if I'm correct).
Anyway, it changes your "Start bar" and desktop to give the end user more options. It's pretty neat. :-)

Here's what my computer currently looks like:

Now, let me explain what is, and isn't lightstep. The bottom menu is litestep and so are the right menus. The CD-cases and system information (bottom left and bottom right respectively) are konfabulator widgets. The top-right toaster is a miranda plugin called "pop-up"
Litestep does not handle windows styles.
In order to get the ability to skin your windows, you will need to use windowblinds, styleXP, or unlock your style handler to accept non-Microsoft signed styles.
The background was made by yours truly... I was bored, so I filled one of my glasses with scope. :-)

Yeah, I have an OS test Tuesday (The class is really fun, but the book is uber-boring).

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Well, I just finished "FEAR" the game
That was one of the most incredible games I have ever played through!
You can say tons of stuff about the game-play music, and graphics... but I want to focus on something that many game developers seem to forget...

The whole time I played FEAR I kept getting "enlightened" to the story.
It is one of the deepest, richest stories I have ever experienced in a game.

I felt like I was a hero in a movie... and I didn't know if the hero won in the end!
LOL, I've watched several different movies that had plots that weren't this good.
In short, if you are ever feeling stumped or freaked out in the middle of this game, keep on playing, the ending is incredible!

  1. The game gives you the story in a few ways:
  2. Your team over your comlink will tell you information that you upload to them via laptops you find in the complexes
  3. There are a few radios in the various levels that keep you in-touch with the outside world
    The answering machines on office desks
  4. And finally, the various whispers, flashbacks and physical (non-physical?) encounters with the ghosts.

I have been watching scary movies for some time now,
and I know how to predict the endings; but I never saw this coming.
You most likely can do the same thing,
I think everyone knew the ending of "The Others" after seeing "Sixth Sense".
I honestly wasn't surprised in "The Village", except for the unveiling of the monster.
But FEAR kept on pushing it's story and twisting it, and a HUGE part of the game is spent in foreshadow so when it finally comes together... you are LITERALLY blown away!

I immediately got online to see if anyone else had a review for this masterpiece, and found that IGN (duh) had a great review!

To say that FEAR keeps the tension running high is an understatement -- playing the game for a few hours straight can get a little draining

I really encourage anyone who has not played this game to try the demo. I played it, but found it to be very taxing on my system. Surprisingly, the actual game ran well (and I played it on my laptop!!). I spent about 15 minutes setting up the performance options, but this is made either than with most games because there is an option to test the new settings using a "test scene" (very small level that loads fast and tests for the "average game-play").
Anyway, if you like the demo and the scares and shooting it offers, go out and get this game!
I nearly wet myself many times, and the FPS part of the game is a ton of fun too.
It's not often that I am happy to have a slew of armored commandos in a firefight, but in this game, you need a chance for the hairs on your back to go back down.
WARNING: This game is scarier than "The Ring", "The Grudge", or "Alien".
It's also scarier than "Doom 3", "Doom 3, resurrection of evil", "Resident Evil", or "AVP2". It saddens me to say that my favorite scary games all pail in comparison.

The reason this game is so much scarier than the movies is that in a movie, you have no control. In the game, though, the spirit isn't rushing towards the main character... it's coming after you!
::Shivers remembering many scenes that caused me to leap out of my chair::

My roommate started laughing at me when he heard me yell at the monitor and rip off my headphones. He thought I was a baby... Then, he watched me played and started freaking out too!
FEAR is most certainly a game that is as much fun to watch as play. And that says quite a bit about it.

I know that I'm crossing my fingers hoping that Vivendi makes a sequel!

My Rating: 9.5/10 A++

IGN's Review

Excellent production values, but a few holes persist.
9.5 Graphics
It doesn't get much better than this, and the bevy of options make things highly customizable to your rig's capabilities.
Gorgeous music, spooky ambient sound, and great sound effects abound.
Challenging combat, great set pieces, detailed environments, but not a lot of environmental variety.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
The main game is relatively short; multiplayer, while having some neat tricks up its sleeve, won't replace Counter-Strike any time soon.
(out of 10 / not an average)
See All Award Recipients

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

RSS Added!

It's time to get funkay!

I got the atom feed set up on my blog (it was REALLY hard! --you check one check box, lol).

Now you don't have to check the website for updates, you can use your own RSS reader to "Auto-Check"!

If you don't have a reader, may I suggest the very free, slightly buggy, Google Reader?

You don't have to install anything on your system, and its interface if very slick. I found it kinda buggy when inserting new feeds, but I may have been doing something wrong.

That's all for now!

Another Day, More Exciting Discoveries

So I was in HRBB 220,
Which is the best lab on Texas A&M Campus, and I was informed about a few new resources which are pretty nice. I was planning on just relaxing after my awful Acct 209 test, but the TAGD nerds (who have recently become my friends) were showing off their code and also some awesome websites on the internet.

ok, so this has happened to all of us who use the internet long enough. You're doing a search online for some material, say a demo of the new Serious Sam 2 game, and the website you're about to download from has the requirement that you be a "member" to download.
ARG! What a pain in the butt! First, you have to fill out a long form, with all your personal information, and you think to yourself, "Ha! I'll just leave all the elements blank, except for the email address" and the server comes back with those stupid

*required field ->

>:-\ So you place some bogus field and it comes up with

*not a valid phone number

(ie: 123-456-7890)

So then you fill in all the stupid required fields with your friend's information, except with the email address because they all send you a stupid confirmation email, so they know for sure where to send the LOADS AND LOADS OF SPAM TO!!!!
This nifty and aptly named website, "BugMeNot"
It's a simple idea: Instead of having everyone fill out the forms, have one person fill it out once and share the user account.
This has been happening on a much smaller level before BugMeNot. Think of all the times that you logged into fileplanet or some news broadcast on your buddy's name because it's just faster.
Well, now it's been organized and made very simple. In fact, there's even a firefox extension (put out by roachfiend)

The Firefox extension is Frillin' Awesome!

Just right click in the user field of the website, click "BugMeNot!" and the userfield AND password are auto completed AND the website is entered! THAT'S AWESOME!

If you don't use firefox you can just visit, put in the html address that is giving you a problem and it will instantly give you a username and password for that website. If no website is found you can "give back" to the community by filling out the stupid form and submitting the username and password you get.
It's a great idea!

Yeah, so you know those people that stay up until 3:32:21am to grab that ebay sale? Yup, you know them... they're your mother, your younger brother, or sadly... you.
Well, Woot is a website that adds some consistency to your life. Every day at 12:00 exactly a new item is posted for an "unbeatable price!!!" lol.
It's a lot of tech stuff mainly (speakers, projector combos, ect...) trying to appeal to the techno junkies and gadget freaks. The website is layed out in a very "info-mercial" style with a big yellow "I want one!" button. lol, it's a fun idea and there are a bunch of good deals, too (well, one per day).

For every programmer, there is some underground editor that is better than all the rest "Because it just is, ok?!?". lol
For me, when I started programming with java, I was an insane user of "Jedit". Why? Mainly because it had "Jedi" in it, LOL. Also, it had a TON of addons (plugins) that could extend it's functionality and it was very fast for doing simple tasks (the problem with other solutions like JBuilder and JavaBeans.

Well, Eclipse is a Java editor (current version 3.1.1) that has been growing a lot lately. I got it a while back and it was very impressive. It seems that some of my fellow computer science friends have it working with C++ (pdf), perl, python, and more!
It really is a beautiful IDE. It seems that you have to solve some of the linking issues when you start using it for developing C/C++ projects.

I wonder what ever happened to that Java OS that everyone was screaming (video, alternate site)about a while back... I haven't heard anything from sun about it...
My brother got a live CD after attending a conference that ran a JAVA OS. It was slow (which I blamed on Java, and he blamed on it being a live-CD ;-) ) and wasn't nearly as cool as the video I linked, but showed the limitlessness of Java.
I was impressed and wish they would release some more information about it.
Sigh, but such is life.

Monday, October 17, 2005

"This Code Is Clean"

After 6 hours of coding on Friday, 14 hours straight yesterday and 7 today, I am finally finished (in case you didn't catch that, it's 27 hours total).

I'm listening to: Geto Boys - "It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta" bobbing my head to the heavy beat.


I think I'm going to start work on a new movie.

"College Space"
homework hoovers
It'll be a horror/Comedy

Here's a little piece of my output. This program was created to split up memory into fibonacci sized blocks (block size = previous size + 2nd previous size) and ship it over to an array that holds them in doublely linked lists. Anyway, it was a lot of work, and most of the time was spent figuring out what I needed to do and then juggling the memory from list, to allocated and back again. Also the memory manager can split larger memory blocks and coalesce them as needed (aka, if you need 13, but there aren't any blocks that size, it goes to 21, splits it into 13 and 8 and takes 13).

Yeah, it's pretty boring, but it's the work of 27 hours and I'm proud of it.

Also, I tried OpenOffice
for the first time (it's the portable version of beta 2). I LOVE IT!
I tried the 1.x version a while back and didn't really like it. I preferred word, but this new version is great! It has a feature that goes through your typed text and searches for large words and then it starts getting sweet. It autocompletes the words as you type...
Now, this sounds like it could be annoying, but it's really, really useful.

Microsoft Word has a feature similar to this, but it only autocompletes on words like "Wednesday" or "January". This is a problem since I don't type those often.
Since it pulls words from the file I'm writing at the time, I most likely will use them again and I can prepare to use the autocompletes (just press enter to complete the word).
I found that it was very easy and quick to get used to. I can see this feature becoming a necessity, just like mouse gestures in firefox or a scroll wheel on a mouse. One of those features you get so used to that when you use someone else's computer and it's not there you kinda step back a second and then say,
"Oh, wow! I forgot what it was like to use a computer before this."

lol, I'm kinda dramatic about this, but I was close to "flat-lining" when I submitted this (submitted at 23:59, so I just made it in under the door) and this feature almost doubled my typing speed.

I just finished torrenting the newest leak of Windows Vista.
I'm very excited about installing it on my laptop. Sadly, I haven't found any 64bit versions, so I keep using the x86 beta on my 64bit laptop. :-Oh well. I'll be sure to put up some screenshots when I've got it up and running.

Speaking of Office,
I went to a presentation put on by Microsoft Thursday. The lead speaker was the corporate vice president of the Office division, Grant George. It was interesting mainly because he talked about the OpenDocument formats. He was asked whether the newest version of Office would support it. He said something like,

"Oh... well, we do what the market requires. Right now we aren't too concerned with this new format."

Basically, he said that they would support it if and only if they had to. It really makes sense for a business standpoint. They have the standard right now. OpenOffice and StarOffice are trying their hardest to make their products that can translate the Microsoft formats. It's great for Microsoft. If their competitors get on their backs, or start taking over their share of the market, all Microsoft has to do is completely change the way their files are created and read and all the competitors are sent back (also they could say that the format was changed to add in new features; AKA video in word files and such). If OpenDocument were to become a format used globally, Microsoft would have to start competing on a new level.
What's on that level? A bunch of stuff Microsoft doesn't want to worry about. They would have to compete with features and price. Users (and companies) would be able to buy (or in the case of openoffice, just download for free) the office package that suites them best, not the software that their customers have or the industry uses as a standard. I really wish someone would do something similar to adobe. That monster of a company has the publishing industry under it's finger. The first thing any publisher, printer, webdeveloper, or independent artist buys is a $600 copy of photoshop.

Now, I love photoshop
and have used it for many years (legal copy, too), but other software solutions aren't compared on what they can do, but rather if they can export to the adobe standard. These situations are located in almost all software categories (AutoCad, Windows Explorer, Quicktime, Quark but now InDesign...) (Quark kinda shot themselves in the foot). I was just surprised to hear the Microsoft Rep say that they didn't have any plans on implementing the new format.

In his defense,
nothing has been finalize, really, so there isn't much to say. I'm sure Microsoft will release a plugin or patch later to allow exporting and importing OpenDocuments.
Also, when you're the biggest and you've got everything coming your way, why cut yourself and your profits down? It's not a smart business practice and I would most certainly do the same thing!

Well, it's 1:30 and I have a 9am class
(yay for databases)

Saturday, October 15, 2005

OS Project (Machine Problem 1)

This is a killer of a problem. I've been working on it for three days straight!
I got up at 10am, started working on it...
I started a playlist too...

Playlist length: 6 hours 33 minutes 27 seconds

Playlist files:

1. Rolling Stones - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (3:46)
2. Aretha Franklin - Respect (2:27)
3. Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (8:02)
4. Bob Dylan - Like a Rolling Stone (6:09)
5. Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run (4:31)
6. Eagles - Hotel California (6:31)
7. Doors - Light My Fire (7:08)
8. Beach Boys - Good Vibrations (3:37)
9. Beatles - Hey Jude (5:03)
10. John Lennon - Imagine (3:05)
11. Kingsmen - Louie Louie (2:46)
12. Beatles - Yesterday (2:05)
13. The Who - My Generation (3:24)
14. Marvin Gaye - What's Going On (3:51)
15. Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode (2:42)
16. Derek and the Dominoes - Layla (7:06)
17. The Who - We Won't Get Fooled Again (8:33)
18. Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock (2:34)
19. Don McLean - American Pie (8:32)
20. Beatles - A Day in the Life (5:33)
21. James Brown - I Feel Good (2:46)
22. Stevie Wonder - Superstition (3:59)
23. Beatles - I Want to Hold Your Hand (2:25)
24. Rolling Stones - Brown Sugar (3:49)
25. Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze (2:50)
26. Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil (6:27)
27. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (5:53)
28. Kinks - You Really Got Me (2:36)
29. Roy Orbison - Pretty Woman (2:58)
30. Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water (4:55)
31. Elvis Presley - Hound Dog (2:18)
32. Beatles - Let It Be (4:03)
33. Otis Redding - (Sittin' on) The Dock of the Bay (2:45)
34. Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower (4:00)
35. Aerosmith - Walk This Way (3:32)
36. Temptations - My Girl (2:44)
37. Bill Haley - Rock Around the Clock (2:10)
38. Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through the Grapevine (3:17)
39. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Proud Mary (3:09)
40. Steppenwolf - Born to Be Wild (3:30)
41. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (5:01)
42. Police - Every Breath You Take (4:13)
43. Ray Charles - What'd I Say (5:07)
44. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird (10:06)
45. Buddy Holly - That'll Be the Day (2:19)
46. Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love (5:34)
47. Aerosmith - Dream On (4:27)
48. Mamas and the Papas - California Dreaming (2:41)
49. Van Morrison - Brown Eyed Girl (3:03)
50. Troggs - Wild Thing (2:36)
51. Crosby Stills Nash & Young - Suite Judy Blue Eyes (7:29)
52. Michael Jackson - Beat It (4:19)
53. Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls of Fire (2:32)
54. Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive (4:47)
55. Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth (2:37)
56. Bob Dylan - Blowin' in the Wind (2:49)
57. Beatles - Twist And Shout (2:33)
58. Billy Joel - Piano Man (5:37)
59. Beatles - She Loves You (2:21)
60. David Bowie - Space Oddity (5:18)
61. Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever (4:10)
62. Led Zeppelin - Kashmir (8:32)
63. Patsy Cline - Crazy (2:43)
64. Clash - London Calling (3:20)
65. Rolling Stones - Jumpin' Jack Flash (3:44)
66. Led Zeppelin - Rock and Roll (3:40)
67. Al Green - Let's Get Together (3:15)
68. Elvis Presley - All Shook Up (1:57)
69. Rod Stewart - Maggie May (5:14)
70. Elton John - Your Song (4:04)
71. Elvis Presley - Heartbreak Hotel (2:11)
72. Beach Boys - God Only Knows (2:52)
73. Chubby Checker - Let's Twist Again (2:20)
74. Little Richard - Good Golly Miss Molly (2:11)
75. Cream - Sunshine of Your Love (4:12)
76. Beach Boys - California Girls (2:35)
77. Eddie Cochran - Summertime Blues (1:58)
78. Carl Perkins - Blue Suede Shoes (2:17)
79. Beatles - A Hard Day's Night (2:32)
80. James Taylor - Fire and Rain (3:26)
81. Them - Gloria (2:35)
82. Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing (4:09)
83. Rolling Stones - Start Me Up (3:34)
84. Boston - More Than a Feeling (4:45)
85. Police - Roxanne (3:14)
86. Queen - We Are the Champions (3:01)
87. Bob Dylan - Tangled Up in Blue (5:41)
88. Jefferson Airplane - Somebody to Love (2:54)
89. Ben E. King - Stand By Me (2:53)
90. Jerry Lee Lewis - Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On (3:01)
91. AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long (3:24)
92. Prince - When Doves Cry (5:54)
93. Wilson Pickett - In the Midnight Hour (2:28)
94. Spencer Davis Group - Gimme Some Lovin' (2:52)
95. Van Halen - Jump (4:01)
96. Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road (4:51)
97. Bob Marley - No Woman, No Cry (3:46)
98. Richie Valens - La Bamba (2:08)
99. The Carpenters - We've Only Just Begun (4:08)
100.Temptations - Papa Was a Rolling Stone (3:55)

As you can see, I have very good musical taste... Here's what my workspace looks like.
(I'm programming a memory manager for the MIPS architecture)
Anyways, I need to finish... almost there.

Check back later when I'm going insane studying for my Accoutning exam that's on Monday!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Energy Drinks

..::Energy Drinks::..

This is a short little post ranting over some of the most memorable energy drinks I've had.

note: Understand that I just pulled an all-nighter studying for my database exam and doing other homework (cpsc 332), so my grammar and english will not be the best.

So far I'm living off of an AMP, a Monster and a Full Throttle.

Yes, Amp. The beautiful drink made by mountain dew that keeps you up and going when you're almost all dead.

Another way to stay up is by listening to the mountain dew music player.
It's alright music, hard to fall asleep to. ;-)

Amp: It's small, but it has quite a kick to it.

Now the monster. This is the big daddy of energy drinks. This guy will keep you up when you're running only on fumes. Sigh, it's sad that I can actually do a blog all on energy drinks. I really like the taste of monster, my favorite flavor is "Monster Assault".

The downside of this drink is that it's huge, so you'll be making a ton of bathroom breaks.

Alright, now we move on to the "Full Throttle". When you buy this drink, make sure that you get the one that has sugar in it. If you don't you'll be tasting the "diet coke" version of full throttle and it's really nasty. Why does it taste just like diet coke? Because it's made by coca cola. This drink is the same size and the monster drink, so expect to be making frequent runs, but it tastes very good. It's sweeter than most energy drinks and has a lot of sugar in it.

Now it's time for the finalists.

..::THE WORST::..
You'd think with a name like, "Pimp Juice"... well, actually, I don't really know what to think. Ok, let me comment that the can looks very cool. It's all gold (even on the top tab). If I drank energy drinks for the cans (which I sometimes do), this one would get a good 8/10... sadly, the gold can is the best part of this drink.
First, the drink is green. Not apple green, no, nuclear waste green. Not only that, but this is the only energy drink I've ever had that BURNED when it went down my throat. It was like I was drinking Vick's Vapor Rub... Now, to top it all off, it tastes awful! If orange juice is made from freshly squeezed oranges, I don't want to imagine where this foul liquid came from.

..::THE BEST::..
But, by far, the best energy drink out on the market is "Bawls". Yes, as the name suggests, this drink has a lot of chutzpah.

This drink is just the right size, and the bottle looks AWESOME. No wonder it's the hard-core gamer's energy drink of choice. The downside? Well, it's hard to find, expensive and... well, I started shaking a few hours after downing it. LOL.

Now, you can get your energy drink opinions from anyone, but it'd be smart to take the advice from a college student in computer science who pulls all-nighters all the stinkin' time.

Over the summer semester, I pulled six. The last four days of class, I only got to sleep once (in other words, 3 out of 4 days I didn't have to make my bed).

So I hope you understand that I'm a professional and I know what I'm talking about ;-)

Ok... Enough with the tests...

Yup, yup, yup.
So I got a new job. I'm working with the Computer Science Department, under the director of communications. This means I'm an administrator... :-D
Oh yeah. Power... authority... I love it!

I have permissions to so much now! As a administrator, I can get into the super sweet labs (I'll be posting pictures of the differences soon). I also manage the Computer Science Departmental website and database.



I'm studying for my database system exam and listening to The Oscar Peterson Trio - My Blue Heaven (Swiss Internet Radio - Radiocrazy - Big Band Jazz and Swing) - 128 kBit/s

I like it.

I'm really getting tired of profs letting us have "cheat sheets". This is the forth class in my college career where the prof tells us we can bring in a piece of handwritten paper. (I had one last semester, and three this semester). You'd think it'd been great, right?
My hands are getting micro-writer's cramp, all I learn is how to put down everything in my notes, and it takes more time than just studying.
Why do profs do this?
If they tell you to make a cheat sheet, they can put a question like:

Problem 12(25pts):List the three reasons why we used Relationship models for database?

Now, a very smart student who knows everything about databases but has a bad cheat sheet won't be able to answer all three reasons (fyi, they are 1. they are simple, 2. they often match how we think about data, 3. It is an abstract model that underlies SQL)

Plus it's easy to grade, because there is a right and wrong answer, no extra credit.
lazy, lazy profs.

Now, in their defense... no, wait, nevermind. I don't wanna defend them. ;-)

Here's one of the little flyer's I made for work today. I had fun.

Now, it's not as cool as it could be, but I was constricted because the department's main printer is currently dead and I had to use an ink jet printer. I like it because it looks professional (boring, I know).

Still it's fun and it pays.. not well, but it pays.
As my mom says,
It pays for the starbucks, right?

Yup! Now if only I could get a car to drive me to starbucks... ;-)

I need to finish studying.

There is a reason I'm a member of the I Would Have Seen the Sun Set and then Rise In Bright, But the Labs are Soulless, Windowless Boxes on "the facebook" :-D

I'm listening to: Frank Sinatra - Super Hits # The Coffee Song
and my mom's favorite song (she used to sing it to my dad when he would go on business trips)
I'm listening to: Patti Page - You Belong To Me

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Happy Aggie-Ring/Birth day!

Howdy all!
It's been... a very long time since I last said anything up here... So here goes.

I'm currently studying for my Computer Science 410 (Operating Systems) Test.
It's going to be a booger.

Yesterday was my 22nd birthday. I got two letters in the mail, one post-it-note "Happy birthday mi amigo", one "E-card" and a whole LOAD of facebook notes and IMs.

All my friends in Walton hall want to take me out and get me drunk (I think they are hoping I will go with them so they can finally know what I'm like when I'm drunk).
After I gave them a look that says, "Do I look stupid? I enjoy being in my right mind!", one of the guys said, "No, no, no, Drunk! Not wasted!"
LOL :-)

For my birthday Texas A&M gave me two tests, one on my birthday and one after... so my whole day was shot. Thank you higher education, you're the biggest party pooper of them all.
Sadly, "It's my birthday party and I'll skip my tests if I want to" is not a university excused absence.

I got my aggie ring!!! Whoop!! It's big, it's gold, it's... too small?!?
Sadly, yes. I got up at 7:30am, stood in line until 10, waited as the dude told me all the stuff about the ring, asked me if I was ready (I HAD BEEN WAITING MY WHOLE LIFE) and then...
*drum roll*

This is the part of the story where I take you to some other story that somehow has relevance to this story...

Do you remember that part in Cinderella where the evil step sister is trying to put the crystal stiletto on and it just won't fit? And she's straining, and moaning, and screaming, "Fit, dang it! I've got to marry this prince so I can be rich and torture him for the rest of his life by nagging and whining about all the smallest things and eventually tell him that it's time that we see other people and loot half his cash, leave him with the kids and head for Vegas..."?

You don't remember that part?
Well, it was like that, only I'm not an evil woman (isn't "evil woman" that redundant? ::ducks::).

Yeah, so I then spent the next ten minutes trying to get the silly ring off my knuckle (I had really tried hard to get it to fit).
Then I ran to the MSC Bathroom, grabbed a handful of soap and forced it on my finger. After it passed over my knuckle (which my mother will say are large because I always pop them) it was fine. I just have to wear it everywhere.
I've got to find a good time to get it resized (takes two weeks).
I just got the thing and I don't want to give it back :-(

Sadly, it's time I went back to the books. I'll post up some pictures of stuff later when I'm not studying for a monster test.

Here's a picture of Derek (My working out buddy and fireman friend), Tatiana (One of Derek and my good friends), and me. We are all in rudder fountain and I'm smiling because I don't know yet that my cellphone, wallet, and keys are in my pockets.

Sad, yes... very.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Fortune Cookies

So I was eating Chinese at Sbisa today and got a fortune cookie with my meal.
It told me,

You are expressive and positive in words, act and feelings
8 16 22 35 42. 27

What happened to fortune cookies?? When did they stop having fortunes? They're all lame now!
What ever happened to the,

You are going to meet someone who will donate the heart you are looking for today.
12 28 73 6 32. 90


You are going to be lost on an island for the rest of your life because the plane you're about to get on is going to crash.
4 8 15 16 23. 42

Click to go to Lost fan site

huh? what has happened to the fortune cookie industry?

Well, to add more to this post, I had a test this morning.
I was up until 2am last night/morning then woke up at 5:15am and studied until 8am when I took my test. :-/

So I'm pretty tired :-)

I'll most likely do my homework and just hit the hay.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Well, my girlfriend and I went up to Canton, Texas on Saturday. Now I know that I promised that I wouldn't post any cheesy stuff about emotions and junk, so you'll just have to trust that this story gets better than "My girlfriend and I went shopping".
Because it does.
We drove for four hours from College Station and got lost numerous times. We saw hawks, horses, and cows... then we saw bluebonnets!
Anyway, here's a picture of my girlfriend and myself sitting in the bluebonnets.

My girlfriend and me on the trip to Canton, Texas Posted by Hello

It really is a pretty good picture. Bluebonnets don't smell, but they look really cool. They look great in the pictures we took. I set the camera on the "timed" function and ran over for the picture.

That was right before a huge T-Rex came and tried to eat us both! I whipped out my lightsaber and battled him off while my girlfriend hummed theme music to support the epic fight!!!
It was awesome and I was doing great until three Ninjas jumped out of a Honda Civic and started taunting my girlfriend... So she grabbed her signature Tony Hawk skateboard and began to wail on them...

(I told you it got better)
So we got there, ate a bunch of stuff, I outshopped her (I got two airsoft guns, a cowboy hat, a lasso, I bought her some fake sunglasses and my mom a birthday present).

Yeah... in case you're wondering where that weird part of this post came from... I've had too much caffeine for today... so I'm sorry.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

A Special Place

Howdy all!
I thought I would take the time to post up one of my website's I made for work.
This was created for my boss's wife's company.

I decided to go with a sleek Old Navy-ish design.

Check it out here.

Here's Old Navy's Website (A huge influence on this design)

I do wish I had used flash on the project... at least for the index page, but there wasn't a huge reason to use it, so I kept it simple.

Here was the concept design I made in photoshop.

"A Special Place" Website concept Posted by Hello

Friday, April 01, 2005


Howdy all, Here's a cover I made yesterday for my current day job.
I work for
All in all, it's a good job. I really like coming in every day with something new to do (makes it easier to not get bored).

Classes are awesome here at A&M. I wish all colleges were like this... then I'd go to school back home! ;-)

I'll post some pictures of the beautiful campus later.
I think I'm also going to put in the link section on the right the best photoshop and flash tutorial websites for all the people who want to learn how to make websites or edit/create images.

A book cover I made for "" Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Cristel Ad

I hope to show everyone all the fun work I do as a graphic artist!! Here is a recent project I had with "Cristel Telecom".
I had a lot of fun creating this ad for them... it had some very interesting edits (the keys on the second phone were orignally reversed LOL)

This is a cristel ad I made... I had a 48 hour deadline! :-) Posted by Hello

My First/Second post!!

Howdy all!
This is my first/second blog I've ever posted!

Let me explain, my first post was awesome and neat and funny and sure to be the best post in the history of blog or quite possibly the whole internet (ooOOOo, AhhhhHHh).

But then! I wanted to post a picture!!!

My page was wiped from all existence and not even my cache could save it.

And I thought you could have anything you wanted with a little cache...

Anyway, I'm FollowerofJC (again)!! And this is still going to be the best blog on the internet (no matter how many times I have to try to post it!!)


And I'm not going to post boring stuff about my girlfriend (even though she's wonderful), or my star wars collectables (I won't "force" you to read about them)...

No, no, no, this is about pure awesome!

So enjoy the fun to come!!!!
Or fear me.... if you dare!!!!
