My new Website Idea
It's really a funny word, huh? Copyright...
Hmmmmm... :-)
So... how far can you push an "idea" before it becomes a copyright infringement?
Here is a sample of my next website I'm planning on making.
"Do you like my Idea?"
"Of course," Microsoft says, "We thought of it first!"
It is kinda duplicating the "idea" from the next windows vista. I really love where Microsoft has taken this next build of windows. I keep meaning to upload images of it, but I left my HD with vista on it back in my dorm over the break. :-
Subtly is the key in current website design
As I was looking for ideas, I came across some strange things. It seems that web development trends are fading away from the "FLASH IN YOUR FACE" strategy, and pushing more towards the "Less is more" strategy.
I think the average web-user is sick of "hamster dance" websites and has begun to cry, "Where is the content?!?"
"Stop showing us what you can do, and start showing us what we WANT!"
I'm not sure if that's where the web truly is going, but designers are pushing it there. I believe that the paper-tiger (or in this case, the electronic-tiger) has morphed.
Companies who want to look like the pros are going to have to face the designer's nightmare... Beautiful Usefulness.
The List
Don't show all the 3D junk if it has no point.
Don't add a postcounter, no one cares.
Don't make a flash intro... people hate waiting.
Why use video, when flash will do?
Why use flash, when images will do?
Why use images, when clever CSS scripting will do?
Why use either if you can just use text?!?
The web has been transforming
and I am beginning to realize that I have a lot to learn! LOL
A good example is Google Ads. On my blog, I added the Google "adSense" on the right.
Is it a motioned flashy video/sound extravaganza?
It's text, but it's useful content that is related to what I type.
The web is changing into a very interesting place to work
It seems that the programmer will soon (if not already) need to learn a little about art... or the artists are going to have to start justifying themselves to their viewers.
Eh, I was never a fan of the useless, anyway.
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