Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Well, I just finished "FEAR" the game
That was one of the most incredible games I have ever played through!
You can say tons of stuff about the game-play music, and graphics... but I want to focus on something that many game developers seem to forget...

The whole time I played FEAR I kept getting "enlightened" to the story.
It is one of the deepest, richest stories I have ever experienced in a game.

I felt like I was a hero in a movie... and I didn't know if the hero won in the end!
LOL, I've watched several different movies that had plots that weren't this good.
In short, if you are ever feeling stumped or freaked out in the middle of this game, keep on playing, the ending is incredible!

  1. The game gives you the story in a few ways:
  2. Your team over your comlink will tell you information that you upload to them via laptops you find in the complexes
  3. There are a few radios in the various levels that keep you in-touch with the outside world
    The answering machines on office desks
  4. And finally, the various whispers, flashbacks and physical (non-physical?) encounters with the ghosts.

I have been watching scary movies for some time now,
and I know how to predict the endings; but I never saw this coming.
You most likely can do the same thing,
I think everyone knew the ending of "The Others" after seeing "Sixth Sense".
I honestly wasn't surprised in "The Village", except for the unveiling of the monster.
But FEAR kept on pushing it's story and twisting it, and a HUGE part of the game is spent in foreshadow so when it finally comes together... you are LITERALLY blown away!

I immediately got online to see if anyone else had a review for this masterpiece, and found that IGN (duh) had a great review!

To say that FEAR keeps the tension running high is an understatement -- playing the game for a few hours straight can get a little draining

I really encourage anyone who has not played this game to try the demo. I played it, but found it to be very taxing on my system. Surprisingly, the actual game ran well (and I played it on my laptop!!). I spent about 15 minutes setting up the performance options, but this is made either than with most games because there is an option to test the new settings using a "test scene" (very small level that loads fast and tests for the "average game-play").
Anyway, if you like the demo and the scares and shooting it offers, go out and get this game!
I nearly wet myself many times, and the FPS part of the game is a ton of fun too.
It's not often that I am happy to have a slew of armored commandos in a firefight, but in this game, you need a chance for the hairs on your back to go back down.
WARNING: This game is scarier than "The Ring", "The Grudge", or "Alien".
It's also scarier than "Doom 3", "Doom 3, resurrection of evil", "Resident Evil", or "AVP2". It saddens me to say that my favorite scary games all pail in comparison.

The reason this game is so much scarier than the movies is that in a movie, you have no control. In the game, though, the spirit isn't rushing towards the main character... it's coming after you!
::Shivers remembering many scenes that caused me to leap out of my chair::

My roommate started laughing at me when he heard me yell at the monitor and rip off my headphones. He thought I was a baby... Then, he watched me played and started freaking out too!
FEAR is most certainly a game that is as much fun to watch as play. And that says quite a bit about it.

I know that I'm crossing my fingers hoping that Vivendi makes a sequel!

My Rating: 9.5/10 A++

IGN's Review

Excellent production values, but a few holes persist.
9.5 Graphics
It doesn't get much better than this, and the bevy of options make things highly customizable to your rig's capabilities.
Gorgeous music, spooky ambient sound, and great sound effects abound.
Challenging combat, great set pieces, detailed environments, but not a lot of environmental variety.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
The main game is relatively short; multiplayer, while having some neat tricks up its sleeve, won't replace Counter-Strike any time soon.
(out of 10 / not an average)
See All Award Recipients

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guess what!? I ate ham on rye today! Any comments?

I like your review - it's very entertaining to get these glimpses into the obsessions of computer/video game ppl. And, you've got good taste when it comes to scary movies. BUT have you seen the Exorcism? It is the first movie that actually made me scream because I was afraid. Unfortunately, it's a sick, twisted movie that I never want to see again because it's so sick and twisted. But at the time it served its purpose, which was to terrify my friends and I.