Tuesday, October 18, 2005

RSS Added!

It's time to get funkay!

I got the atom feed set up on my blog (it was REALLY hard! --you check one check box, lol).

Now you don't have to check the website for updates, you can use your own RSS reader to "Auto-Check"!

If you don't have a reader, may I suggest the very free, slightly buggy, Google Reader?

You don't have to install anything on your system, and its interface if very slick. I found it kinda buggy when inserting new feeds, but I may have been doing something wrong.

That's all for now!


Anonymous said...

You computer science people just scary - just scary. Is anything you talk about translatable into English? j/k To each his own :-)

Adam Shaw said...

Oh man!
You better watch out for us!

I made this blog all "technical" because I was getting sick and tired reading other people post on their blogs about "Oh, well today I ate ham on rye..." or "Do I come across as pushy? Is that why guys don't find me attractive? Please post a remark. :-("

I needed a way to prove (mainly to myself) that there is a valid reason for having a blog, other than broadcasting globally the boring abstractions of life.

Now, Computers tend to be really annoying with all the rhetoric and alphabet soup games we play, but some very exciting things are happening in the CS (computer science) world that affect a much broader range than nerds.

While not all of it translates to English, it is still very important! :-) Just like not all of the minute details of human anatomy and biology are important for everyday life, they are vital for living. :-)
I'll try to keep the future posts easier to read. :-)