Mountain Dew MDX
Energy Drinks Are Back!
With the new Mountain Dew MDX!
Of all the craziness, they have come out with an energy drink from the people who started this caffeine craze!
Mountain Dew has the "MDX"
Their new slogan is, "Be Nocturnal"
You can log onto their website and play the flash games, or watch the video ads
(I know my sister will love the second one)
Honestly, after trying it,
I can't taste a huge difference between it and mountain dew. Most energy drinks are really carbonated, but this tasted just like normal dew.
But, at $1.72, it's a really good deal (where most drinks are $2.09 after tax).
If it came down to it, though, I'd just grab an Amp.
(Speaking of which, is "Amp" a competitor of MDX? Very odd, since they are from the same company... I wonder how the target audiences differ)
But the little bottle is nice, since you can take it into computer labs (they require that your drinks have a cap before you sit in front of the computer).
Weighing in at 14oz, it's a cross between the huge energy drinks and the micro-cans.
I was talking to another computer science major
(Luke, from the TAGD team). He was telling me that the way you can spot a good energy drink is if it tastes like Science. I don't really know what he meant since, when I think of science, I think of beakers full of formaldehyde with frogs and pig livers... But if tasting "science-y" is the scale for good energy drinks, MDX fails. It doesn't even seem to wake me up more than mountain dew.
Sad day.
Energy drinks rock!! Haven't tried Mountain Dew's MDX yet. I'm definitely a Code Red fan though.
It's almost Thanksgiving! Yay! We can stop depending on energy drinks to keep us awake and actually sleep. Ah, that blessed activity :-) Anyway, I was just making my weekly blog check and wanted to say hi - Tabitha
You need to update this more often man! Its been almost a month, how are we supposed to get insights into your deepest thoughts when you only post crap on a less than monthly basis...this isn't a blog, this was a 10 day goof off.
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