Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Fortune Cookies

So I was eating Chinese at Sbisa today and got a fortune cookie with my meal.
It told me,

You are expressive and positive in words, act and feelings
8 16 22 35 42. 27

What happened to fortune cookies?? When did they stop having fortunes? They're all lame now!
What ever happened to the,

You are going to meet someone who will donate the heart you are looking for today.
12 28 73 6 32. 90


You are going to be lost on an island for the rest of your life because the plane you're about to get on is going to crash.
4 8 15 16 23. 42

Click to go to Lost fan site

huh? what has happened to the fortune cookie industry?

Well, to add more to this post, I had a test this morning.
I was up until 2am last night/morning then woke up at 5:15am and studied until 8am when I took my test. :-/

So I'm pretty tired :-)

I'll most likely do my homework and just hit the hay.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Well, my girlfriend and I went up to Canton, Texas on Saturday. Now I know that I promised that I wouldn't post any cheesy stuff about emotions and junk, so you'll just have to trust that this story gets better than "My girlfriend and I went shopping".
Because it does.
We drove for four hours from College Station and got lost numerous times. We saw hawks, horses, and cows... then we saw bluebonnets!
Anyway, here's a picture of my girlfriend and myself sitting in the bluebonnets.

My girlfriend and me on the trip to Canton, Texas Posted by Hello

It really is a pretty good picture. Bluebonnets don't smell, but they look really cool. They look great in the pictures we took. I set the camera on the "timed" function and ran over for the picture.

That was right before a huge T-Rex came and tried to eat us both! I whipped out my lightsaber and battled him off while my girlfriend hummed theme music to support the epic fight!!!
It was awesome and I was doing great until three Ninjas jumped out of a Honda Civic and started taunting my girlfriend... So she grabbed her signature Tony Hawk skateboard and began to wail on them...

(I told you it got better)
So we got there, ate a bunch of stuff, I outshopped her (I got two airsoft guns, a cowboy hat, a lasso, I bought her some fake sunglasses and my mom a birthday present).

Yeah... in case you're wondering where that weird part of this post came from... I've had too much caffeine for today... so I'm sorry.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

A Special Place

Howdy all!
I thought I would take the time to post up one of my website's I made for work.
This was created for my boss's wife's company.

I decided to go with a sleek Old Navy-ish design.

Check it out here.

Here's Old Navy's Website (A huge influence on this design)

I do wish I had used flash on the project... at least for the index page, but there wasn't a huge reason to use it, so I kept it simple.

Here was the concept design I made in photoshop.

"A Special Place" Website concept Posted by Hello

Friday, April 01, 2005


Howdy all, Here's a cover I made yesterday for my current day job.
I work for
All in all, it's a good job. I really like coming in every day with something new to do (makes it easier to not get bored).

Classes are awesome here at A&M. I wish all colleges were like this... then I'd go to school back home! ;-)

I'll post some pictures of the beautiful campus later.
I think I'm also going to put in the link section on the right the best photoshop and flash tutorial websites for all the people who want to learn how to make websites or edit/create images.

A book cover I made for "" Posted by Hello